The classic dystopian novel 1984, George Orwell's story about a futuristic totalitarian state, has been in the midst of a spontaneous sales explosion, catapulting to the top of bestseller lists at Amazon, the New York Times and independent retailers. No surprise. The "alternative facts" … [Read more...]
The blog for writers
The Book Deal
Ask the editor: Breaking the “write what you know” rule
Q: I have a terrific story to tell, but it didn't actually happen to me. Is it possible to write with authenticity about something you haven't experienced firsthand? A: Many great books are written by authors who seem to have nothing in common with their character's experiences. Different gender, … [Read more...]
How to find a hungry agent
Here's a literary agent who's very specific about the kind of book she'd like to see in her inbox: Working on anything like that? Or something close? Want to know more about this agent? Well you can find her on Twitter. She's Annie, of the Annie Bomke Literary Agency, tweeting as … [Read more...]